Special Order
Is there an item you wished we had in stock?
Order it in at NO additional charge!
E-mail us today to start your order
Step 1: Send us an email, text or call and we can confirm we can acquire the product.
Step 2: Place your order with us
Step 3: Wait with your pet for that special item
Wondering what brands we can order in from? Here are some examples below but this list isn't comprehensive do reach out and ask!
- Arcadia
- Aquaglobe - NewCal
- Besgrow from New Zealand - Pet-Tekk/Magnaturals/Habi-scape
- C3 Ledges & More - Pangea
- Fernwood - ProBugs
- Galapagos - Redline Science
- Mega-Ray - SunBlaster
- MistKing - Vivarium Electronics
- Zoo Med